The Three Poets Route

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The Three Poets Route

Duration: 7 hours tour

Price from: $20.000

Learn about the life and work of the 3 great poets of our Litoral de Los Poetas.
We will visit the House of the Poet Pablo Neruda in Isla Negra, Nicanor Parra in Las Cruces and Vicente Huidobro in Cartagena.

Included: Guided Tour of the house and grave of The Poets & Transportation.
* Tickets to the Neruda and Huidobro Museums are not included.

The three Greatest of The Poets Coast

The three Greatest of The Poets Coast

The “Litoral”, well known for its many beaches and it’s cultural activity, having many ties to the literature, music and poets. These poets both national and internationally well known; among them the antipoet Nicanor Parra, the poet and politician Pablo Neruda and the creationist Vicente Huidobro.

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