National Monuments by the Poets Coast

National Monuments by the Poets Coast

Get to know the most important historical monuments of the Central Coast

Church of La Candelaria
Pablo Neruda’s house
Tomb of Vicente Huidobro
Cartagena Railway Station
Crane 82 of the Port of San Antonio

Before we commence showing you the most famous historical monuments along the Coast. 

We tell you, these sites correspond to a category of National Monuments, which are dictated by the Council of National Monuments; a technical body that depends on the Ministry of Cultures.

The Council of National Monuments is in charge of forming a register of National Monuments and Museums, preparing the projects or norms for their restoration, repair, conservation and signaling and, in addition, to pronounce on the convenience of declaring places or objects as National Monuments and request permits from the corresponding authority.

Within the National Monuments, in addition to the category of Historical Monuments, Public Monuments, Archaeological Monuments, Typical Zones, and Sanctuaries of Nature are also declared.
Historical Monuments are places, ruins, constructions, and objects of fiscal property, municipal or private, that due to their quality and historical or artistic interest or because of their antiquity, have been declared as such by supreme decree, issued at the request and prior agreement of the Council.

Church of La Candelaria


Its construction dates from the year 1837, by management of the priest of the Community of Lo Abarca. The building followed a pattern of colonial religious architecture. In this temple is the image of the Virgen de la Candelaria, which is presumed to have been brought to Chile at the end of the 17th century or the beginning of the 18th century. The current bell tower was rebuilt in the 20th century with the same materials that were used in the original construction. The 1985 earthquake cracked its walls and destroyed the roof. Since then, the Council of National Monuments declared it a National Monument and established its reconstruction as a priority, in 1986.

Pablo Neruda’s house

Isla Negra

House designed like the interior of a ship, with its low ceilings, narrow corridors, and wooden floors. 

It was a place of great inspiration for Neruda, where he wrote his work “El Canto General”.
The poet arrived in the area in 1938, after buying the house from the sailor Eladio Sobrino, a small stone house that was transformed little by little, by different architects. In his house, there are collections that come from different parts of the world, mostly related to the sea; figureheads, replicas of sailboats, boats in bottles, and seashells.
After Neruda’s death in 1973, the house was abandoned until 1986, when the Neruda Foundation obtained legal status and began to restore it, becoming a House Museum open to the public in 1990.
That same year, on June 8, it was declared a National Monument. In 1996 the remains of Neruda and his wife Matilde were moved to the Isla Negra house.

Tomb of Vicente Huidobro


The Vicente Huidobro House Museum is the property that the poet inherited from his mother, who used it mainly in the summer season. 

He settled there in 1946, after his definitive return to Chile along with his wife and their children, until his death in 1948.

This House Museum was inaugurated in 2013 in Cartagena.
Fulfilling the wishes of the writer, his children buried him on a hill overlooking the sea, very close to his home. In 1992, the Vicente Huidobro Tomb was declared a National Museum.

Old Railway Station 


It is a wooden structure that preserves the historical memory of the old railway line, which promoted the development of the area.
During the middle of the 19th century, it was the place where the Santiago elite established their summer houses,
near Playa Chica. Before the existence of the railway, long journeys had to be made in horses and carts. In 1912, the State was requested to extend the railway works from San Antonio to Cartagena.
The station was very busy due to the large number of tourists that began to arrive at the station, especially in the 1940s. In 1987 the train stopped operating, lifting line two years later.
The Cartagena Railway Station was declared a National Monument in 1994, but in 1996 a fire affected the property, suffering serious damage. Today it is already restored with the same original design.

Crane 82 of the Port of San Antonio

San Antonio

Crane 82 was built in 1911 in the city of Lyon, France, by the firm Galtier de Paris arriving that same year in Chile. 

The same firm took over the construction of the Port of San Antonio.

The history of this crane is marked by different milestones, such as having participated in the construction of the Molo Panul and in the castling from Panul to the Molo de Puertecito. In 1945 it was transferred to the southern sector of Paseo Bellamar and during the following decades, it remained active and served boats in other ports in the country.

In 1995 it was declared a National Monument, becoming a symbol of the Port of San Antonio and in the cultural heritage of the country. As expected, the crane suffered natural deterioration and
In 2009, the San Antonio Port Company made a remodeling and maintenance plan. Along with that, a commemorative plaque and perimeter guardrail were installed.
Currently, it is located on Paseo Bellamar so that it can be observed by the community and tourists.

Beautiful nature in the central coast of Chile

Beautiful nature in the central coast of Chile

The Most beautiful natural places by the Coast:

El Membrillo wetland
Quebrada de Cordova
Canelo-Canelillo Park
El Peral Lagoon
Cartagena wetland
Maipo River’s Mouth

From north to south, the “Litoral de Los Poetas” is a rich territory for the practice of eco-tourism, a rising value that is evolving favorably and that attracts more travelers every day as an alternative to sun and beach tourism. The evolution towards a more responsible and conscientious consumption is closely linked to this eco-tourism that is gaining more prominence day by day. According to data from the World Tourism Organization, this modality already represents 15% of total tourism.

El Membrillo Wetland


It is a Nature Sanctuary due to its variety of migratory birds in the area.
But it was threatened due to the construction of San Alfonso del Mar Resort (dumping of sewage, garbage, among others). But Thanks to the efforts of the Kennedy Foundation and the Municipality of Algarrobo, it was possible to rescue this Nature Sanctuary.

Quebrada de Cordova 

El Tabo

It is a gorge, it has been a Nature Sanctuary since 2017, it has trails easy to travel. Which do not take more than 2 hours of trekking. In this place, you will find a variety of native trees which you can get to know as you go. An excellent place to connect with nature and the sounds of the local birds.
Some of the threats in the area are illegal hunting, fires caused by rubble, garbage, and a decrease in the flow of the estuary due to the increase in water catchments in the sector.

Canelo-Canelillo Park Algarrobo


Made up of two beaches along with 2 Nature Sanctuaries, one of them is the “Islote Pájaros Niños”, and the other “El Peñón Peñablanca”.
The first one, was declared Nature Sanctuarie in 1978, due to its ecological importance. In it are the Humboldt Penguin, which are in danger of extinction, the Magellanic Penguin.
The second one, “El Peñón Peñablanca”, declared Nature Sanctuarie in 1982, which has a diversity of species, as Black Cormorant, Red-winged Cormorant, Pelican, Booby and Dominican Gull.

El Peral lagoon 

El Tabo

It is a Nature Sanctuary since 1975. Due to the conditions of this lagoon, it allows the reproduction of a great variety of bird species, including the black-necked swan. It has a rich biodiversity in terms of birds and aquatic plants, it is made up of a system of dunes that surrounds it and separates it from the sea.

Cartagena’s wetland 


It is a municipal natural reserve, it works as a refuge for migratory birds, national and international, as well as other animal and plant species found in a conservation category and are present only in places with wetland characteristics. One of the disadvantages is that it is located in an urban area, generating night hunting of birds, removal of debris and construction material waste in the wetland, among others

Mouth of the Maipo River 

San Antonio

This place is one of the most important in Central Chile for waterfowl, concentrating thousands of birds, congregated in groups of thousands after their extensive journey from the northern hemisphere.
Some of the prominent species are Franklin’s Gull and the Yellow Bird.

The three Greatest of The Poets Coast

The three Greatest of The Poets Coast

Litoral Central:

The Poets Coast

Nicanor Parra
Pablo Neruda
Vicente Huidobro

The “Litoral”, has places like Santo Domingo, San Antonio, Cartagena, Las Cruces, Isla Negra, El Tabo, Algarrobo, and El Quisco. All well known for its many beaches and it’s cultural activity, having many ties to the literature, music and poets. These poets both national and internationally well known; among them the antipoet Nicanor Parra, the poet and politician Pablo Neruda and the creationist Vicente Huidobro.

Nicanor Parra


Chilean poet, mathematician, physicist, and intellectual. Creator of antipoetry and is the only one of his siblings who continued studies beyond primary school.

In 1935 he published the New Chilean Poetry Anthology, through which he met great exponents of contemporary Chilean poetry.

Parra was very demanding with his poems before publishing them, so, once done, in his future versions usually had very few variations. 

Various institutions and individuals tried to nominate him for the Nobel Prize in Literature on three occasions, in 1995, 1997, and 2000. Parra did not get the candidacy, but in 2001 he was awarded

with the Queen Sofía Prize for Ibero-American Poetry from Spain.

Also, he was the winner of the literary award, Cervantes in 2011.

Nicanor move to live on the coast of poets in the 80s and was very loved in the town of Las Cruces. His arrival generated a change in the town, more intellectuals, poets, and writers. Began to visit and more to the area. He passes away in his loved town of Las Cruces in 2018.

Pablo Neruda


Pablo Neruda a pseudonym after changing his name legally from Ricardo Reyes. Chilean poet and politician.

He is considered among the most prominent and influential artists of his century; besides having been Senator of the Republic, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, pre-candidate for the presidency, and ambassador to France.

Among his many recognitions, stand out the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971 and an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford.

Neruda’s house was looted in Santiago after the military coup by Augusto Pinochet and his books were burned.

Neruda’s death is highly commented on due to whether it was really prostate cancer or whether it is a possible poisoning, a few years ago multiple toxicological tests were done to confirm the cause of death from cancer, however, there are still doubts and replies as that remains of a bacterium foreign to cancer treatments were found that when it is altered, it is highly toxic. He is buried in Isla Negra, where he rests with Matilde.

Called Isla Negra due to a black rock in the sea near his oceanfront home.

He had his third marriage to Matilde in Isla Negra, a simple civil and private ceremony in his house, where he keeps his particular collections of shells and figureheads. 

The Isla Negra Museum House is managed by the Neruda Foundation and in addition to having a souvenirs shop and objects related to the poet, it has a cultural center where are regular exhibitions.

Vicente Huidobro


Chilean poet, initiator, and exponent of Creationism.

From an aristocratic family, linked to large agricultural property, banking, and politics.

He received his first formal education from English and French governesses. He had his time in Chile and then he went to Buenos Aires and Europe.

In 1946 he settled in Cartagena and reissued Chilean poet, initiator, and exponent of Creationism. 

In 1946 he settled in Cartagena and reissued Trois Nouvelles Exemplaires and the following year suffered a stroke that was attributed to a consequence of his war wounds and on 2 January dies at home, according to his wishes, he was buried on a hill facing the sea.

On April 6, 2013, the Vicente Huidobro Museum was inaugurated in what was his home Cartagena, the museum has 6 rooms and more than 300 documents.