Tours with Protocol COVID-19

Tours with Protocol COVID-19

Tours in Chile with Protocol COVID-19 for host and guests on Guiaexperiencias

We’ve created the following guidelines for hosts and guests of Guiaexperiencias.

Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, es importante tener en cuenta la salud y la seguridad. Hemos creado las siguientes pautas para guías turísticos e invitados de Guiaexperiencias, con base en la orientación del Servicio Nacional de Turismo (SERNATUR).

KEEP IN MIND: Guiaexperiencias has introduced guidelines and programs to help address health and safety concerns but these measures cannot eliminate all risks. Especially if you are in a higher risk category (ex: people above the age of 65 or people with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease), keep this in mind when you are deciding to book tour experience.

Guidelines of our internal managment

1. Coordinator

Our team consists of a covid-19 guidelines coordinator.

2. Resources

Items of cleaning and personal protection are provided for our team.

3. Record of tour actions

All individual tours actions client details recorded for safety purposes.


4. Covid-19 trainings

Team members have been trained and receive ongoing education on Covid-19 virus. Based on Health authority guidelines.


5. Evaluation of practices.

Regular evaluation of the safety and cleaning guidelines


6. Tour guides connected

Communication between tour guides on ongoing bases.


Before the tour

• The acceptance of the COVID-19 guidelines form of the tour, is established as a requirement to formalize the reservation.

• Fill out a health declaration through an online questionnaire.

• Payment system for tickets, vouchers, or other digitally.

• Carry out a coronavirus symptom control check on tourists.

• Talk on prevention and recommendations of the safety and cleaning guidelines to be followed by tourists.

• Information must be available on the tourist accommodation establishments where the tourist or client is staying.

• Maximum numbers of tourists will be defined for each tour. Beeing 10 the max that we could host.

• Identify the existing risks associated with the activity.


During the tour

• There will be a first aid kit suitable for carrying out the guided activity with masks and disinfectants.

• At the minimum symptom of suspected infection, the affected person will be asked to go to a health facility to verify their condition.

• Tourist transport must comply with sanitation, cleaning, and hygiene measures.

• In the event that food delivery applies during the tour, these must be delivered individually and fully sealed.

• The interaction of tourists with the local community or other people must comply with the minimum mandatory distance.

After the tour

• Proceed to clean and disinfect the clothes used in the tour.

• Evaluation of good management practices through an online satisfaction survey.

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